Anita Kovacevic
My poetry
Poetry has always been sort of a vent, a refuge from the daily struggles,
a way to blow off steam without hurting anyone,
a way to cleanse my soul of negativity and fill it with hope again.
Funny enough, I rarely write poetry when I am happy:)

collection of poems about feeling what you may not want to feel
Poetry is my therapy, my meditation, a world quite close to the real one, but in another dimension. Many people I know say they feel the same – poetry either strikes a chord or it doesn’t. There are no rules, no restrictions, no rights or wrongs. Perhaps that is why it feels so liberating. This is the first volume in my poetry collection. It is called Feel, and displays a range of moods many of us go through.
collection of poems on various kinds of love
This is the second volume in my poetry collection. It deals with various shades of love - loving your family, friends, work, others, even yourself, perhaps the most difficult task of all. The moods range from tender and funny, to angry and sad. It might just strike a cord - you never know.
collection of poems about fantasy and nature
This is the third volume in my poetry collection. It is called Imagine, and it will show you fantasy and nature details, both the light and the dark ones, which inspire me, frighten me and represent worlds entirely their own.